Cummins 6CTA 8.3 Piston (m): 5878
Engine Series:
Engine Model:
6CTA 8.3
Engine Data:
Engine Info:
6 Cyl
Engine Dimensions:
Bore: 4.49 in / 114 mm
Stroke: 5.32 in / 135 mm
Piston (m):
- 1563
- 1569
- 1917
- 1920
- 1923
- 1972
- 2018
- 2101
- 2103
- 2106
- 2108
- 2193
- 2194
- 2196
- 2307
- 2532
- 2536
- EX300 LCH - Tata Hitachi
- Ranger F68C
- Ranger F68G
Equipment Models
Cummins CPL's
1) Engine O/H KitCOK5878L Click to view kit contentCLOSEItem #:Quantity:Description:C38003481GASKET, BOTTOM SET 6CC38022101BRG, MAIN SET STD 6CC390143012BRG, CON ROD STD 6CC39139906BUSHING, CON ROD 6CC39431997BUSHING, CAM 6CC40252711GASKET, TOP SET 6CCPLK5878L6KIT, CYL THICK WALL 6CThick Wall LongCOK5878S Click to view kit contentCLOSEItem #:Quantity:Description:C38003481GASKET, BOTTOM SET 6CC38022101BRG, MAIN SET STD 6CC390143012BRG, CON ROD STD 6CC39139906BUSHING, CON ROD 6CC39431997BUSHING, CAM 6CC40252711GASKET, TOP SET 6CCPLK5878S6KIT, CYL THICK WALL 6C, SHORT LINERThick Wall Short2) Engine I/F KitCIK5878L Click to view kit contentCLOSEItem #:Quantity:Description:C38022101BRG, MAIN SET STD 6CC390143012BRG, CON ROD STD 6CC39140171GASKET, OIL PAN 6CC40252711GASKET, TOP SET 6CCPLK5878L6KIT, CYL THICK WALL 6CCLOSEItem #:Quantity:Description:C38022101BRG, MAIN SET STD 6CC390143012BRG, CON ROD STD 6CC39140171GASKET, OIL PAN 6CC40252711GASKET, TOP SET 6CCPLK5878S6KIT, CYL THICK WALL 6C, SHORT LINER
Piston-Liner KitCPLK5878LConsist of:a) C3925878 b) C3901597 c) C3901996 d) C3802258 e) C3802407 (9)
Piston-Liner-KitCPLK5878SConsist of:a) C3925878 b) C3901597 c) C3901996 d) C3802258 e) C3800328 (10)
Main Bearing SetC3802210 Std. C3802211 0.25 mm C3802212 0.50 mm C3802213 0.75 mmUse 1
Con Rod BearingC3901430 Std C3901431 0.25 mm C3901432 0.50 mm C3901433 0.75 mm Use 12 (3)
Order in multiples of two.
Rod bearings are priced and sold per shell -
1) Front SealC33539772) Rear SealC33539783) CrankshaftC39189864) Front Wear SleeveC39082775) Rear Wear SleeveC39060816) Front Rect SealC39034757) Rear Rect SealC39124738) Ring GearC3903309 (173T) (11)
Check for proper application.
C3905427 (127T) (11)Check for proper application.
C3901774 (159T) (11)Check for proper application.
C3902127 (138T) (11)Check for proper application.
9) Crankshaft GearC3918776 -
1) Top Gasket SetC40252712) Bottom Gsk SetC38003483) Head GasketC39382674) Oil Pan GasketC39140175) Valve Cover GskC39054496) Front Gear GasketC39292537) Front Cover GskC3917780
1) Bushing, PistonC3913990 x62) Bushing, CamC3943199 x73) CamshaftC3924471 (4)
To use C3924471 to replace 3917882 buy the following from Cummins: 3918777 Cam Gear, 3927155 Thrust and 3902332 Key. Use ESN or application model to confirm correct camshaft.
4) TappetC39250315) Push RodC39051946) Rod BoltC39288707) Connecting RodC3901383 (6)Do not use with Crankshaft part number 3965006.
8) Con Rod NutC39013819) Camshaft GearC3918777 -
1) Oil Cooler 12 PlatesC39181752) Oil Cooler GasketC39181743) Oil Cooler Gsk Filter HdC39143084) Oil PumpC3930338

Valve Section
1) Intake, Valve KitConsist of:2) Insert, ValveUse 6
1) Exhaust, Valve KitConsists of:2) Insert, ValveUse 6
1) Spring, Valve2) Seal, Valve
1) Guide, Valve2) Retainer, Valve Spring
1) Water PumpC3800976 (7)
Some applications use short nose pump C3806180
(8)Marine applications use C3800975
2) Water Pump SealC39020893) ThermostatC3928639 x2 -
1) Cylinder HeadC39734932) Head Bolt KitC6C-HBK
1) Fuel Lift PumpC39179982) Fuel Pump GasketC3914304
Tensioner, BeltC3976831 (11)
Check for proper application.
(1): Block 3802265 (Thin Wall) Flange ø 5.223″.
(2): Block 3802408 (Thick Wall / Long Liner) Flange ø 5.152″, (Length: 9.33” / 237 mm).
(3): Order in multiples of two.
(4): To use C3924471 to replace 3917882 buy the following from Cummins: 3918777 Cam Gear, 3927155 Thrust and 3902332 Key. Use ESN or application model to confirm correct camshaft.
(5): Only use on engines built from year 1991 onwards.
(6): Do not use with Crankshaft part number 3965006.
(7): Some applications use short nose pump C3806180
(8): Marine applications use C3800975
(9): Consist of C3919937 Liner + C3907177 Seal.
(10): Consist of C3948095 Liner + C3907177 Seal.
(11): Check for proper application.